Art, Culture, and Politics: A Conversation with Jeremy Tiang

Event time: 
Monday, November 16, 2020 - 4:00pm
Event description: 

Yale’s English Department, Translation Initiative, and Council on East Asian Studies Presents: 

The Subjectivity of the Sinophone Translator: Art, Culture and Politics: Jeremy Tiang in Conversation with Sunny Xiang, Yale Department of English.

Jeremy Tiang is a novelist, playwright and translator from Chinese. His translations include novels by Yeng Pway Ngon, Su Wei-Chen, Yan Ge, Zhang Yueran, Lo Yi-Chin, Chan Ho-Kei and Li Er. His plays include Salesman之死, A Dream of Red Pavilions, and translations of scripts by Chen Si’an, Wei Yu-Chia, Quah Sy Ren and others. His novel State of Emergency won the Singapore Literature Prize in 2018. He lives in Flushing, Queens, and is a member of the translation collective Cedilla & Co.

Zoom link here.

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