Career Resources

The Yale English Department encourages its graduate students to think expansively about their post-Yale futures, and we are committed to helping them develop the skills, experiences, and networks they will need after graduate school. We recognize and celebrate the fact that a significant number of graduates from our MA and PhD programs are pursuing careers outside of the professoriate, as writers and editors, university administrators, secondary school teachers, librarians, archivists, curators, and within other fields.

Here, we list contact information of some Yale English alumni who would be happy to receive messages from you and offer their advice about pursuing non-professorial careers. Please take advantage of their wisdom and experience! These alumni have all recently visited our department to speak on career panels whose recordings you can access here as well.

Students eager to diversify their professional skill set should also explore the extensive array of Professional Development Opportunities funded by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, including semester-long Graduate Professional Experience (GPE) Fellowships that can be substituted for teaching assignments. Recent GPE Fellowships in English have been awarded to students working at the Beinecke Library, the MacMillan Center, and the Yale Review.

Journalism, Publishing & Editing

  • Anna Dubenko - Deputy Audience Director, NY Times
  • Len Gutkin - Associate Editor, Chronicle of Higher Education
  • Fiona Robinson - Senior Technical Writer, Google
  • Julia Yost - Senior Editor, First Things

University Administration

  • Megan Eckerle - Program Manager, Windham-Campbell Literature Prizes, Yale University
  • Jesse Gale - Chief Communications Officer, Bryn Mawr College
  • Donna Heiland - Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Pratt Institute
  • Andrew Karas - Associate Director, Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships, Northeastern University
  • Nathalie Wolfram - Director, Broader Impacts Group, University of Montana

Secondary School Teaching

  • Daniel Jump - Instructor, Greens Farms Academy, Westport, CT
  • Elizabeth Twitchell - Instructor, Trinity School, NY

Libraries & Curating

  • Phoenix Alexander - Science Fiction Collection Librarian, University of California, Riverside
  • Carla Baricz - Librarian for Literature in English and Comparative Literature, Yale University
  • Anna Chen - Head Librarian, Clark Library, UCLA
  • Gabriele Hayden - Assistant Librarian (research data management), University of Oregon
  • Lina Moe - Curator of Literature, RBML, Columbia University
  • Aaron Pratt - Carl and Lilly Pforzheimer Curator of Early Books and Manuscripts, Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas
  • Morgan Swan - Special Collections Education and Outreach Librarian, Dartmouth College