Gbolahan Adeola gbolahan.adeola@yale.edu |
5th Year |
Postcolonialism; 20th/21st Century; World Anglophone; Folklore
Claire Adler claire.adler@yale.edu |
2nd Year |
Late medieval literature, early modern literature, Christian devotional poetry, ecocriticism, history of cartography, negativity and loss, poetics, early modern reception of medieval literature
Anna Ballan anna.ballan@yale.edu |
1st Year |
Nineteenth century; history and theory of the novel; Romanticism and the gothic; aesthetic theory; literature and philosophy; religion and modernity; psychoanalysis
Shubhashree Basnyat shubhashree.basnyat@yale.edu |
3rd Year |
Postcolonial Studies, Environmental Humanities, Queer Theory, Disability Studies
Ruthie E. Block ruthie.block@yale.edu |
2nd Year |
19th - 21st Century African American and Black Diasporic Literature; Black Political Thought; Critical Archival Studies
Tyler Campbell tyler.campbell@yale.edu |
2nd Year |
20th/21st century American Literature, Black Poetics, Social Movement Histories, Prison Writing, Jazz/Hip-Hop Studies, Public Humanities
Ben Card ben.card@yale.edu |
7th Year |
Early modern literature; John Milton; seventeenth century religion; history of the university; scholasticism; literature and philosophy
Julia Chin julia.chin@yale.edu |
4th Year |
19th-century British literature; Theory of the novel; Victorian literary culture; Japanese translation and reception
Michelle Chow michelle.chow@yale.edu |
2nd Year |
20/21st century, race, gender and sexuality, capitalism, film and media, Asian diaspora, affect and emotions
Claire Crow claire.crow@yale.edu |
4th Year |
Late medieval French and English literature, Old English literature, medieval women’s writing, premodern critical race studies, psychoanalysis, histories of race, sexuality, and childbirth
Ashley Cullina ashley.cullina@yale.edu |
1st Year |
History of the Novel; Critical Theory; Narrative Theory; 19th/20th Century; Literature, Nation, and Empire; Domestic Fiction; Media Theory + Digital Humanities
Dylan Davidson dylan.davidson@yale.edu |
6th Year |
American literature (20th & 21st centuries), animation, autobiography/memoir, disability studies, folk and blues music, history of science and technology, media theory, neurodiversity
Jessikah Díaz jessikah.diaz@yale.edu |
6th Year |
Romantic/18th-Century Poetry; Ecocriticism; Cultures of Exhaustion
Julian Durkin julian.durkin@yale.edu |
5th Year |
18th-century British literature, history of criticism, philosophy, and aesthetics
Alana Edmondson alana.edmondson@yale.edu |
5th Year |
Shakespeare; Early Modern Drama; History of Race; Whiteness Studies; Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies; Renaissance
Cindy Yanyan Ge yanyan.ge@yale.edu |
1st Year |
Literary theory, film theory, aesthetics, literature and philosophy
Tess Grogan tess.grogan@yale.edu |
7th Year |
Renaissance epic; chivalric romance; feminist theory and sexuality studies; premodern race studies; early modern military history; elegy; memorial studies; fantasy and science fiction; wilderness literature; animal studies
Sarah Guayante sarah.guayante@yale.edu |
5th Year |
18th-Century British Literature, novel theory, history of the book, gender and sexuality
Kristine Guillaume kristine.guillaume@yale.edu |
3rd Year |
20th and 21st century African American literature, contemporary American literature, Black political thought
Celine Hajj Sleiman celine.hajjsleiman@yale.edu |
1st Year |
Early Modern/ Renaissance Literature; Milton studies; lyric; reception histories
Archie Hamerton archie.hamerton@yale.edu |
1st Year |
Queer materiality; Thing theory; The Fin de Siecle; Object relations; The city and the flaneur; Collecting; Sexuality and sexology; Cinema and visual modernisms
Gabrielle Hill gabrielle.hill@yale.edu |
2nd Year |
Black Feminist Theory; 19th Century to 21st Century African American Poetry; Speculative Fiction; Eco-Criticism; Eco-Poetics
Audrey Holt audrey.holt@yale.edu |
7th Year |
Irish Literature, Literary Modernism, Linguistics
Eve Houghton eve.houghton@yale.edu |
Early modern drama; Restoration drama; 18th-century literature; history of the book; affect theory; long history of the novel
Caitlin Hubbard caitlin.hubbard@yale.edu |
5th Year |
Early Modern Literature; Restoration/18th-century Drama; Theater and Performance Studies; Shakespeare Adaptation and Performance History; Enlightenment Theories of Knowledge Formation; Spectacle in Theater and Politics
Lily Isaacs lily.isaacs@yale.edu |
2nd Year |
Autofiction and lifewriting, gender and sexuality studies, 20th and 21st century American literature, letters
Ellen Israel ellen.israel@yale.edu |
1st Year |
20th-century American literature; race, gender, sexuality & capitalism; protest literature
Kassidi Jones kassidi.jones@yale.edu |
7th Year |
Nineteenth-century African American Ecopoetics & Georgia Douglas Johnson
Lacey Jones lacey.jones@yale.edu |
7th Year |
Theory; religion & modernity; aesthetics
Kamila Kaminska-Palarczyk kamila.kaminska-palarczyk@yale.edu |
3rd Year |
Middle English literature; medieval allegory; vernacularity and translation; histories of reading; sexual violence; feminist and queer studies
Stephanie Kelley stephanie.kelley@yale.edu |
3rd Year |
20/21st Century American Literature, History of Reading and Emotions, Post-1945 novel, Psychoanalysis, History of Criticism, Poetry
Alex Kong alex.kong@yale.edu |
2nd Year |
20th-21st century, visual culture, Marxism, histories of capitalism, literary theory
Andrew Lanham andrew.lanham@yale.edu |
American literary history and legal history, especially the 20th century; social protest movements and cultural production.
Jeong Yeon Lee jeongyeon.lee@yale.edu |
8th Year |
19th-century African American literature; Theories of violence; Black religion
Maia Vitarini Lwin maia.lwin@yale.edu |
3rd Year |
gender and sexuality; reproductive failure; affect; posthumanisms; film and media; 20th- / 21st-century American
Susanna Mackay susanna.mackay@yale.edu |
1st Year |
Medieval literature; Middle English devotional works; manuscript studies and paleography; global medievalism
Morgan McCordick morgan.mccordick@yale.edu |
1st Year |
Critical theory, Marxism, 19th-century British literature, the novel, psychoanalysis, political economy, labor, and empire
Jessica Modi jessica.modi@yale.edu |
7th Year |
20th/21st-century African American and black diasporic literature; poetry and poetics; history of the book; Marxism; postcolonial studies and decolonial aesthetics; media studies; creative writing
Thobile Ndimande thobile.ndimande@yale.edu |
2nd Year |
20th Century South(ern) African Newspapers and Periodicals, South African Jazz Culture, Black Femininities in Visual Productions
Katherine Needham kate.needham@yale.edu |
Early modern/Renaissance literature; drama and performance; translation and classical reception; literary history and periodization; sensation and the self; digital humanities; time and temporality
Brennen Neeley brennen.neeley@yale.edu |
2nd Year |
20th century American literature, Milton, Early Modern Studies
Maeva O'Brien maeva.obrien@yale.edu |
5th Year |
narrative form, the nuclear, environment, empire
Emma Park emma.park@yale.edu |
1st Year |
Asian American literature; 19/20th century American literature; 19/20th century British literature; ethnic studies
Hannah Piette hannah.piette@yale.edu |
1st Year |
Romantic poetry, 18th-19th century British literature, poetry and poetics
Josy Raheem josy.raheem@yale.edu |
2nd Year |
18th-20th century visual cultures; history of criticism and theory;
film and philosophy
Eden Rea-Hedrick eden.rea-hedrick@yale.edu |
4th Year |
gender and sexuality, disability studies, 20th-century British and American fiction, the novel, queer and feminist theory, film and media, history of sexuality
Fraser Ryan fraser.ryan@yale.edu |
1st Year |
Thus far, my research has explored how the codicological construction of medieval manuscripts can raise unexpected hermeneutic implications for their constituent texts. I am also fascinated by courtly love poetry as it pertains to theories of the lyric and literary personhood, and the often-complex relationships between epistemology, literary agency and formal style. I welcome questions and guidance on any of these topics!
Micah Siegel micah.siegel@yale.edu |
8th Year |
19th-/20th-century literature, history of the novel, translation, popular culture, sociology of literature
Nicolas Silva nicolas.silva@yale.edu |
1st Year |
18th-Century/Romantic poetry and drama; intellectual history; theater and performance studies; theories of tragedy; print culture and archives
Suvij Sudershan suvij.sudershan@yale.edu |
3rd Year |
Modernism, Postcolonial Literature, Global Anglophone, South Asian Literature, Literary Theory
Daniel Swain daniel.swain@yale.edu |
6th Year |
20th/21st century American poetry and poetics; late modernism, lyric theory; materialism, class, capitalism, taste; gender, race, sexuality; formalism, visual art, aesthetic theory
Talin Tahajian talin.tahajian@yale.edu |
3rd Year |
Late medieval devotional poetry in English and Latin; manuscript studies; historical prosody/metrics; philosophy of language; philology/theology; ‘long’ Anthropocene studies
Asya Taylor asya.taylor@yale.edu |
1st Year |
20th/21st century African American and American literature; Black aesthetics; print culture; modernism; feminism
Madeleine Trepanier madeleine.trepanier@yale.edu |
1st Year |
Early modern literature; Reformation studies; theater and performance; visual culture; gender and sexuality; poetics
Imani Tucker imani.tucker@yale.edu |
5th Year |
19th century British literature; contagious disease; the Black Atlantic; gender & sexuality
Trinity Tunstall trinity.tunstall@yale.edu |
1st Year |
Gender and Sexuality, Black Feminism, Archive, Criticism & Theory
Celine Vezina celine.vezina@yale.edu |
7th Year |
Old English & medieval Latin; Victorian poetry; poetics & aesthetics; philosophies of mind
Cirũ Wainaina ciru.wainaina@yale.edu |
6th Year |
Black poetics, sound, meter, prosody, Louise Bennett
Bryce Wallace bryce.wallace@yale.edu |
1st Year |
Criticism & Theory, Aesthetics, 19th and 20th century American Literature, Black Studies, Philosophy of Language
Henry Zhang henry.zhang.qz252@yale.edu |
4th Year |
Asian American history; Sinophone literature; Ethnic studies