Publications: Articles

Articles & Essays Published by Doctoral Students and Graduates


Houghton, Eve. “Fops vs. Tops: Characters and Attention in The Country Wife.“ English Literary History (forthcoming).

Mundell Perkins, Elizabeth. “Re-reading for the Plot: The Erotics of Uncertainty and Readers’ “Re-vision” in The Golden Bowl.” The Henry James Review (forthcoming).

Sudershan, Suvij. “What did I Eat?’: Misrecognition and the Neocolonial Picaresque in Ousmane Sembène’s Mandabi and Mrinal Sen’s Interview.” Cultural Critique 123 (2024) (forthcoming).

Valentine, Colton. “Illness as Character as Metaphor.” ELH (forthcoming). 


Rea-Hedrick, Eden. “Re-Understanding Media: Feminist Extensions of Marshall McLuhan.” The Communication Review 26.2 (2023): 204-6. DOI: 10.1080/10714421.2023.2189398.

Valentine, Colton. “On Vernon Lee’s Walter Pater and Translating the Victorians.” Victorian Literature and Culture 51.2 (2023): 293-305.

Valentine, Colton. “Aubrey Beardsley’s Perverse Recipe for Success.” The New Yorker, February 2023.


Abraham, Michael. “Elizabeth Bishop and the Schizoaffectivity of Whiteness.” Modernism/modernity (February 2022).

Abraham, Michael. “Out of the Closet and Into the Home: Gertrude Stein, Alice B. Toklas, and the Affordances of the Domestic Interior.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Winter 2022).

Crow, Claire. “Lesbian Space and Postpartum Homoerotic Desire in The Book of Margery Kempe.” The Margery Kempe Society (April 2022, online only).

Dwyer, Seamus. Reading the Tied Letters of Cotton Nero A.x,” published with the Review of English Studies, vol 74 Issue 313.

Houghton, Eve. “Private Owners, Public Books: Henrietta Bartlett’s Feminist Bibliography.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. 116.4 (December 2022).

Lanham, Andrew. “Book Review.” Michigan Journal of Law and Society (2022) (review of Linda Colley, The Gun, The Ship and The Pen (2021)).

Sudershan, Suvij. “India.” Tolstoy in Context, edited by Anna A. Berman, Cambridge University Press, 2022, 255-262.

Valentine, Colton. “Against Queer Presentism: How the Book World Neglects the Archive.” The Drift, October 2022.

Valentine, Colton. “The Madeleine’s Metapragmatics: On Michael Lucey’s What Proust Heard: Novels and the Ethnography of Talk.” Los Angeles Review of Books, April 2022.


Grogan, Tess. “‘Gather Up the Reliques of Thy Race’: Paynim Remains in Faery-land.” Spenser Studies 35 (2021): 153-79.

Huber, Sam. “Muriel Rukeyser ‘among Wars’: Feminist Internationalism in the Second Wave.” American Literature 93.4 (December 2021): 655-83.

Huber, Sam. “How to Continue: The poetry of HIV/AIDS four decades on.”The Yale Review 109.3 (Fall 2021): 212-31.

Hyun, Trina. “Donne’s Media Theology.” ELH 88, no. 4 (2021): 821-43.

Lanham, Andrew. “The Geopolitics of American Policing.” Michigan Law Review 1411 (2021) (review of Stuart Schrader, Badges Without Borders (2019)).

Lanham, Andrew. “The Making of the Surveillance State.” The New Republic (June 2021).

Valentine, Colton. “Vernon Lee, Queer Relations, and a New Guard of Victorianist Multilingualism.” Victorian Studies 64.1 (2021): 62-87. 

Valentine, Colton. “Domesticating Decadence: Joris-Karl Huysmans, Pierre Louÿs, and Their Invisible English Translators.” MLQ 82.4 (2021): 441-72.

Valentine, Colton. “‘I Sappho’: A Case for Character in the Early Writings of Algernon Swinburne.” Victorian Poetry 59.1 (2021): 23-47.

Valentine, Colton. “Vernon Lee, Queer Relations, and a New Guard of Victorianist Multilingualism.” Victorian Studies 64.1 (2021): 62-87.


Grogan, Tess. “Speculative Bill“ Spenser Studies 34 (2020): 215-25.

Houghton, Eve. “Pastime with Good Company: Writing and Leisure in Early Modern England.” Exhibit essay for Subscribed: The Manuscript in Britain, 1500-1800, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library (2020).

Hyun, Trina. “Book and Media Theory.“ The Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory 28:1 (2020).

Lanham, Andrew. “American Racism in Plague Times.” Boston Review (March 2020).

Lanham, Andrew. “Editor’s Introduction.” Michigan Law Review I (2020).

Lanham, Andrew. “Policing the World.” Boston Review (June 2020).

McGowan, Christopher. “Workers Entering the Prison: Steve McQueen’s Hunger (2008) as Imperial Labor Film.” Qui Parle 29.2 (2020): 343-72.

Valentine, Colton. “H.G. Wells and the Fin-De-Siècle Gustatory Paradox.” Review of English Studies 71.302 (2020): 937-51.

Valentine, Colton. “A Temple to Transnational Queerness: The Politics of Commemorating Oscar Wilde.” European Journal of English Studies, Issue on “Decentering Commemorations” 24 (2020): 146-61. 

Valentine, Colton. “Geographical Amusement: The Rise of the Cartographic Board Game.” Cabinet Magazine, Kiosk (August 2020).

Valentine, Colton. “Not Noticing, Infallibly: The Critical Liaisons of Henry James, French Decadence, and Honoré de Balzac.” Henry James Review 41.2 (2020): 97-115, recipient of Leon Edel Prize.


Houghton, Eve. “Review of Angus Vine, Miscellaneous Order: Manuscript Culture and the Early Modern Organization of Knowledge.”Times Literary Supplement (September 2019).

Hyun, Trina. “Book / Media Theory.” The Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory 27:1 (2019).

Im, Seo Hee. “Philip K. Dick, Late Modernism, and the Chinese Logic of American Totality.” Modernism/modernity Print Plus (2019), Volume 4, Cycle 3.

Im, Seo Hee.  “The Ghost in the Account Book: Conrad, Faulkner, and Gothic Incalculability.” NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction 52.2 (2019): 219-39.

Jones, Lacey. “A Forming Poem”: Towards a Process Poetics.” Literature & Theology 33:3 (2019): 262–77.

Lanham, Andrew. “A Puerto Rican Activist’s Fight For Citizenship.” The New Republic (February 2019).

Lanham, Andrew. “Jack Ryan, American Imperalist.” The New Republic (June 2019).

Lanham, Andrew. “Philip Pullman’s Free Thought.” The New Republic (November 2019).

Rampell, Palmer. “The Shining and the Media Conglomerate; or, How All Work and No Play Made Jack a Creative Artist in the 1970s.” American Literature (2019) 91 (1): 151-82.

Swain, Daniel. “Critical Differences: Henry James and the Affective Predicaments of the Literary Market.” Henry James Review 40:3 (2019).

Valentine, Colton. “A Bid for History: On Leah Price’s What We Talk About When We Talk About Books.” Los Angeles Review of Books (December 2019).


Brown, Andrew. “Marina and the Market for Shakespeare in Eighteenth-Century Performance,” Eighteenth-Century Studies 51.2 (2018), 163-78.

Emre, Merve. “Post-Disciplinary Reading and Sociological Method.” Modernism/modernity 3.4 (Winter 2018).

Greene, Clay. “Our Souls and Fleshy Hearts: The Body, Sacraments, and Grace in Herbert’s ‘The H. Communion,’” Cithara 57.2 (2018).

Lanham, Andrew. “Book Review,” Notes & Queries 146 (2018) (review of  Mitchum Huelhs, After Critique (2016)).

Lanham, Andrew. “How to Abolish War.“ The New Republic (January 2018).

Lanham, Andrew. “Michael Ondaatje’s Haunting Pasts.” The New Republic (June 2018).

Luo, Shu-han. “Tender Beginnings in the Exeter Book Riddles.” Childhood and Adolescence in Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture. Eds. Susan Irvine and Winfried Rudolf. Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2018.

Prizel, Natalie. “‘The Dead Man Come to Life Again’: Edward Albert and the Strategies of Black Endurance.” Victorian Literature and Culture 45.2 (June 2017): 293-320.

Rampell, Palmer. “The Science Fiction of Roe v. Wade,” ELH 85.1 (Spring 2018): 221-52.

Valentine, Colton. “Vers une génétique de la critique: le cas de Georges Poulet.” Genesis 46 (2018): 173-81.

Weiskott, Eric. “Puns and Poetic Style in Old English.” Etymology and Wordplay in Medieval Literature, ed. Mikael Males (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018), 191-211.


Im, Seo Hee. “Between Habakkuk and and Locke: Pain, Debt, and Economic Subjectivation in Paradise Lost.” MLQ 78.1 (2017): 1-25.

Killian, Annie. “Menacing Books: The Prick of Conscience and the Rhetoric of Reproof.” Yearbook of Langland Studies 31 (2017): 1-37.

Lanham, Andrew. “Game of Thrones is a Shakespearean History Play.”  The Millions (July 2017).

Lanham, Andrew. “Lessons from the Nuclear Freeze.” Boston Review (March 2017).

Lanham, Andrew. “Militarizing the Presidency.” Boston Review (August 2017).

Lanham, Andrew. “The Art of (Not Forgetting) War.” Public Books (November 2017).

Lanham, Andrew. “Totalitarianism, At Home and Abroad.” Los Angeles Review of Books (March 2017).

Lanham, Andrew. “When W.E.B. Du Bois Was Un-American.” Boston Review (January 2017).

Rush, Rebecca. “Licentious Rhymers: John Donne and the Late-Elizabethan Couplet Revival. ELH 84.3 (Fall 2017): 529-58.

Shechtman, Anna. “The Reality Contract: Rope, Birdman, and the Economy of the Single Shot Film” nonsite 22 (November 2017),

Stadolnik, Joseph. “‘Thorkelin y el Beowulf,’ by Jorge Luis Borges.” Introductory essay, edition, and translation from Spanish of unpublished essay. PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 132.2 (2017): 462-70.


Lanham, Andrew. “Book Review.” Notes & Queries 146 (2018) (a review of Peter Boxall, The Value of a Novel (2015)).

Lanham, Andrew. “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Climate Change.” Pacific Standard (November 2016).

Lanham, Andrew. “Shakespeare Contra Nietzsche.” Marginalia Review of Books (May 2016).

Park, Justin. “Legally Speaking: The Finn Episode and Alfred’s Law Code,” Neopilologus (June 2016)

Reider, Alexandra. “ ‘Bless Us! What a Word on a Title Page Is This!’: Linguistic Purism and Milton’s English Verse.” Milton Studies 57 (2016): 211-31.

Rush, Rebecca. “Making Order in John Davies’s Orchestra.” Modern Philology 114.2 (November 2016); 243–63.

Rush, Rebecca. “ ‘Alle in generalle and nothing in specialle’: General and Special in Julian of Norwich’s Revelation of Love.” Journal of English and Germanic Philology 115.1 (January 2016): 79-94.

Saraceni, Madeleine L.  “Chaucer’s Feminine Pretexts: Gendered Genres in Three Frame Moments.” The Chaucer Review 51.4 (October 2016).

Stadolnik, Joseph.“Naming the Unnamed ‘Philosofre’ in Chaucer’s Prologue to the Treatise on the Astrolabe.” Forthcoming in Medium Ævum 85.2 (2016).


Emre, Merve. “Ironic Institutions: Countercultural Fictions and the American Express Company.” American Literature, Vol. 87, Num. 1 (March 2015).

Emre, Merve. “Jamesian Institutions.” American Literary History, Vol. 27, Num. 2 (Summer 2015).

Lanham, Andrew. “Superheroes in a Time of Terror.” Los Angles Review of Books (October 2015).

Prizel, Natalie. “Disability Theory, Queer Time, and ‘We Other Victorians.’” V21 collective (June 2015). (solicited).

Prizel, Natalie. “The Non-Taxonomical Mayhew.” Victorian Studies 57.3 (Spring 2015): 433-44.

Reider, Alexandra. “A Previously Unidentified Somniale Danielis Text in Takamiya MS 33 with an Updated Handlist of Latin Somniale Texts from England.” Journal of the Early Book Society 18 (2015): 213-27. 

Reider, Alexandra. “On the Epithet freca Scyldinga for Beowulf, a Geat (Beowulf, line 1563b).” Notes & Queries n.s. 62.2 (2015): 185-88.

Rush, Rebecca. “Authority and Attribution in the Sternhold and Hopkins Psalter.” Renaissance and Reformation 38.1 (Winter 2015): 57-81.

Stadolnik, Joseph.“Excerpting Gower: Exemplary Reading and New Haven, Takamiya MS 32.” South Atlantic Review 79.3-4 (2015): 36-50.

Stadolnik, Joseph.“The Stuff of Metaphor: ‘Fyr and Tow’ in the Wife of Bath’s Prologue.” English Studies 97.1 (2015): 15-21.

Weiskott, Eric. “A Plea for Pronunciation.” In special issue of Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching devoted to Old English pedagogy, ed. Haruko Momma and Heide Estes SMART 22.2 (2015).


Gutkin, Len. “The Dandified Dick: Hardboiled Noir and the Wildean Epigram.” ELH 81.4 (2014): 1299-326. 

Gutkin, Len. “Djuna Barnes’s Nightwood and Decadent Style.” Literature Compass (solicited) (2014).


Gutkin, Len. “The Feral Sublime: Caspar Hauser and Melville’s Pierre.” Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies 15.2 (June 2013): 20-36.

Matuozzi, Jessica.  “Schoolhouse Follies: Tristram Shandy and the Male Reader’s Tutelage.” ELH 80.2 (2013): 489-518.

Pratt, Aaron T. and David Scott Kastan. “Printers, Publishers, and the Chronicles as Artefact.” In The Oxford Handbook to Holinshed’s Chronicles, edited by Paulina Kewes, Ian W. Archer, and Felicity Heal, 21-42. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.

Rush, Rebecca. “Satan’s Mural Breaches: Transgression and Self-Violation in Paradise Lost.” Milton Studies 54 (2013): 107-35.

Salton-Cox, Glyn. “Literary Praxis Beyond the Melodramas of Commitment: Edward Upward, Soviet Aesthetics and Leftist Self-fashioning.” Comparative Literature (2013).

Salton-Cox, Glyn. “Syncretic Utopia, Transnational Provincialism: Rex Warner’s The Wild Goose Chase,” in Utopia, Modernism and Literature in the Twentieth Century, eds. Nathan Waddell and Alice Reeve-Tucker (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), 111-29.

Weber, William. “The Authorship of Titus Andronicus 4.1 Reconsidered.” Shakespeare Survey (2013).

Weiskott, Eric. “Lawman, the Last Old English Poet and the First Middle English Poet.” In Laʒamon’s “Brut” and Other Medieval Chronicles: 14 essays, ed. Marie-Françoise Alamichel (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2013), 11-57.

Weiskott, Eric. “Three-Position Verses in Beowulf.” Notes & Queries 60 (2013).

Weiskott, Eric. “OE lændagas in Beowulf 2341b.” Notes & Queries 60 (2013).

Weiskott, Eric. “Phantom Syllables in the English Alliterative Tradition.” Modern Philology 110 (2013).

Weiskott, Eric. “Bawdyng, a Middle English Hapax Legomenon.” Notes & Queries 60 (2013).

Weiskott, Eric. “Chaucer the Forester: The Friar’s Tale, Forest History, and Officialdom.” The Chaucer Review 47 (2013).


Domestico, Anthony. “The Twice-Broken World: Karl Barth, T. S. Eliot, and the Poetics of Christian Revelation.” Religion and Literature (2012).

Domestico, Anthony. “Editing Modernism, Editing Theology: T. S. Eliot, Karl Barth, and the Criterion.” The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies 3.1 (2012): 19-38.

Komorowski, Michael. “Public Verse and Property: Marvell’s ‘Horatian Ode’ and the Ownership of Politics.” English Literary History 79 (2012): 315-40

Kraebel, A. B.  “John of Rheims and the Psalter-commentary attributed to Ivo II of Chartres.” Revue bénédictine 122 (2012).

Kraebel, A. B. “The use of Richard Rolle’s Latin Psalter in Richard Ullerston’s Expositio canticorum Scripturae.”  Forthcoming in Medium Ævum 81 (2012).

Kraebel, A.B. “Richard of St.-Victor (d. 1173).”  On the Apocalypse of John.  Selections translated with an introduction by A. B. Kraebel.  In Interpretation of Scripture, ed. F. T. Harkins and F. van Liere.  Victorine Texts in Translation, 3.  Turnhout: Brepols (2012).

Pratt, Aaron T. “Latimer, Hugh.” In Encyclopedia of English Renaissance Literature, edited by Garrett A. Sullivan, Jr. and Alan Stewart, 582-583. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.

Salton-Cox. “The eight week college of the Age of Extremes: The Barracks and the Training Ground.” Edinburgh Companion to Twentieth Century War Literature eds. Mark Rawlinson and Adam Piette (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2012), 465-75.

Weiskott, Eric. “A Semantic Replacement for Kaluza’s Law in Beowulf.” English Studies 93 (2012).

Weiskott, Eric. “OE Panther 74b ‘Þæt is æþele stenc.’” Notes & Queries 59 (2012).

Weiskott, Eric. “Making Beowulf Scream: Exclamation and the Punctuation of Old English Poetry.” The Journal of English and Germanic Philology 111 (2012).


Komorowski, Michael. “The Diplomatic Genre before the Italian League: Civic Panegyrics of Bruni, Poggio, and Decembrio.” New Worlds and the Italian Renaissance: Contributions to the History of European Intellectual Culture, ed. Andrea Moudarres and Christiana Purdy Moudarres (Leiden: Brill, 2012), 47-73.

Komorowski, Michael. “Milton’s Natural Law: Divorce and Individual Property.” Milton Studies 53 (2012).

Kraebel, A. B.  “The place of allegory in the Psalter-commentary of Bruno the Carthusian.” Mediaeval Studies 73 (2011).

Kraebel, A. B. “Prophecy and poetry in the Psalms-commentaries of St. Bruno and the pre-scholastics.” Sacris erudiri 50 (2011).

Kraebel, A. B. “Christina Rossetti’s quotations from the Psalter (1875).” Notes and Queries 58 (2011): 93-94.

Kraebel, A. B., “Richard of St.-Victor (d. 1173).” On the four degrees of violent love.  Translated with an introduction by A. B. Kraebel.  In On Love, ed. H. B. Feiss, 261-300.  Victorine Texts in Translation, 2.  Turnhout: Brepols (2011).

Rampell, Palmer. “Laws That Refuse to Be Stated: The Post-Sectarian Spiritualities of Emerson, Thoreau, and D.T. Suzuki,” New England Quarterly 84.4 (December 2011)

Weiskott, Eric. “Three Beowulf Cruces: healgamenfremuSigemunde.” Notes & Queries (2011).


Pratt, Aaron T and John N. King. “Bibles as Books: The Materiality of English Printed Bibles from the Tyndale New Testament to the King James Bible.” In The King James Bible after 400 Years: Literary, Linguistic and Cultural Influences, edited by Hannibal Hamlin and Norman W. Jones, 61-99. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.


Kraebel, A. B. “Grammatica and the authenticity of the Psalms-commentary attributed to Bruno the Carthusian.” Mediaeval Studies 71 (2009): 63-97.


Salton-Cox. “England, Whose England? The Rhetoric of Englishness in T H White and George Orwell.” T H White: Critical Essays ed. Gill Davies, (Ceredigion: Edwin Mellen Press, 2008), 143-57.


Salton-Cox. “Patrick Hamilton and the Banality of Evil.” Critical Engagements 1:1, (Winter 2007), 308-30.