Important Dates

See the Yale College Calendar for more important dates!

August 6, 8:00 AM, Preference Selection opens for new students interested in taking ENGL 114 Writing Seminars or ENGL 115 Literature Seminars

August 12, 1:30-2:30 PM, English Introductory Course Placement Session

August 12, 5:00 PM, Preference Selection closes

August 16, 5:00 PM, Preference Selection results pushed to student worksheets

August 27, 12:30-2:00 PM, Academic Fair

Early September, juniors meet with your advisor for the first time to discuss your academic interests

September 27 (end of Week 4), first piece of writing (5-10 pages) and annotated list of at least two relevant secondary sources due for Senior Essayor, general annotated bibliography

Early October, Students planning to propose a spring independent study course should meet with potential advisors

October 14 (beginning of Week 7), extended piece of writing (10-12 pages) and statement about your essay’s engagement with one or more secondary sources due for Senior Essay

November 1, spring term creative writing course applications due

November 8 (end of 10th week), full draft of the Senior Essay due

November 11, 12:00 PM, spring term independent study proposals due

November 18, 5:00 PM, notification of independent study proposal approval or revision emailed to students

November 19 and 20, English Major Foundational Course Registration Days

November 21, Foundational courses open to all Yale College students for registration

December 2, Junior Advising Week begins for English Majors; meet with your English advisor to discuss your schedule and interests

December 6, email completed Junior Advising Statement, signed by your advisor, to Jane Bordiere

December 6, completed fall term independent studies due, including Senior Essay and Writing Concentration Projects

Early February, sophomore English majors who have questions about the Balliol College, Oxford University: Junior Year Abroad Program are invited to join the English DUS or ADUS for office hours

February 12th, first piece of writing (5-10 pages) and annotated list of at least two relevant secondary sources due for Senior Essayor, general annotated bibliography

March 5th, extended piece of writing (10-12 pages) and statement about your essay’s engagement with one or more secondary sources due for Senior Essay

March 26th, full draft of the Senior Essay due

March 26th, fall term Creative Writing Concentration proposals due

April 2, 12:00 PM, fall term independent study proposals due, including ENGL 3100 Special Projects for Juniors and Seniors, ENGL 3400 Tutorial in Writing, ENGL 4100 The Senior Essay, and ENGL 4400 The Creative Writing Concentration Senior Project

April 2, 5:00 PM, fall term creative writing course applications due

April 10, 5:00 PM, notification of independent study proposal approval or revision emailed to students
April 10, 5:00 PM, fall term creative writing application decisions emailed to students
April 15 and 16, English Major Foundational Course Registration Days

April 17, Foundational courses open to all Yale College students for registration

April 17, 12:00 PM, English prize submissions due, except H1 & H2 (Essays by Seniors) and ENGL 489 submissions to C3

April 18 (Friday before last day of classes), completed spring term Senior Essay and Creative Writing Concentration Senior Projects due

April 25, completed spring term Tutorial in Writing projects and Special Projects for Juniors and Seniors Due

April 25, 12:00 PM, English prize submissions to H1, H2, and ENGL 489 submissions to C3 due

Questions? Contact Jane Bordiere or Erica Sayers.