Valerie Traub, Professor of English and Women’s & Gender Studies at the University of Michigan, will be presenting a paper: “Racializing Sexuality in Early Modern Erotic Narrative.”
The event will take place in the Comparative Literature Library (Bingham Hall, 8th floor) at 4:30pm on Thursday, September 21.
Graduate students are also encouraged to participate in a seminar-style workshop the following day (Friday, September 22, from 11am-1pm), which will use Professor Traub’s essay “Sexuality” in A Cultural History of Western Empires in the Renaissance as a springboard to discuss how sexuality fits into her current book project, Mapping Humanity in the Early Modern West, as well as broader methodological issues in the field. A light lunch will be served at the workshop; please RSVP.
This talk is in collaboration with the Comparative Literature Department’s yearlong interdisciplinary speaker series “Queer and Trans Case Studies in Early Modern Literature,” which highlights the range of geographies, languages, and methodologies which animate the study of gender and sexuality in early modern literature. Please reach out to Patrick Soto (patrick.soto@yale.edu) or Jacob Romm (jacob.romm@yale.edu) with any questions on the series.