2022 Senior Essay Presentations
Thursday, May 5th 4-5:30pm
Jack Barker - He “Ain’t No False Prophet”: Bob Dylan’s Visions of Sin and Salvation in Rough and Rowdy Ways
Yuka Saji - “Lost Homelands in Ruth Ozeki’s A Tale for the Time Being and My Year of Meats”
Pascale Bradley - “Free yet mutable”: A Comparison of Eve’s Sin in Jeu d’Adam and Paradise Lost
Ella Cox - Armed with Lilies, Advancing Nations: The Paradoxes of Political Citizenship in Suffrage Speeches from the Dock
Curtis Sun - “Nothing is any longer one thing:” Virginia Woolf, Video Games, and the Aesthetics of Perception
Monday, May 9th 4-5:30pm
Aidan Swift - “In the Intervals of Inspiration…a Poet Becomes a Man”: Percy Bysshe Shelley and the Problem of Poetic Genius & Individual Free Will
Helena Lyng-Olsen - Beyond the Individual Bildungsroman: Sympathy in George Eliot
David Hou - These Moments are Precious: Nightclub Expressions and the Question of Authenticity in The Weary Blues and Southern Road
Danny Germino-Watnick - Looking Our Sight Away: The Visual Poetries of Elizabeth Bishop and Terrance Hayes
Abby Langford - Narrative Voice and the Evangelical Spirit of Wise Blood“
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