Undergraduate poets are invited to participate in a poetry contest, the winner of which would enter a state-wide contest. If our Yale contestant emerges as one of the winners of the state-wide contest, he or she gets to tour Connecticut colleges
in the spring, giving readings. Runners up in our Yale contest would then get to participate in the Yale reading of the Poetry Circuit Contest. (Only students who will be at Yale in the spring semester and who agree to tour if they win may participate.)
To enter the contest, please submit four copies of a packet consisting of five numbered pages of verse. Copy only on one side and staple the sets. Your name and college should not appear on the poem packet sheets. Instead, on a separate sheet, provide your name, college, email, Yale address, phone, and year at Yale. Clip this cover sheet to the four packets.
Please bring your entries to Jane Bordiere in LC 107 no later than Thursday, October 3. If you have questions, contact Professor John Williams, robert.j.williams@yale.edu.