Victoria Kahn
Wednesday, March 26 at 4:00, LC 317
The English Department Lecture Series presents: Victoria Kahn, Professor, Berkeley University. Teaching at Berkeley since 1997, she has a longstanding interest in the history of philosophy and in political theory, and have published widely on Machiavelli and Hobbes. Her latest book is The Future of Illusion: Political Theology and Early Modern Texts (Chicago, 2014), which explores the role of early modern texts in the construction of modernity. This work focuses on how twentieth-century thinkers such as Strauss, Schmitt, Cassirer, Kantorowicz, Benjamin, Freud, and Arendt have read and interpreted the work of Machiavelli, Hobbes, Shakespeare, and Spinoza. An edited collection of essays, entitled Politics and the Passions, 1500-1850, appeared from Princeton University Press in 2006.