A memorial service to which all are welcome is planned for January 25, 2014, at 3:00 p.m., in Battell Chapel on Old Campus. Sam joined our faculty in 2009, having earned his Ph.D. at UCLA, and taught in the department until going on leave in January 2013. His energy, enthusiasm, and intelligence endeared him to faculty, staff, and students alike, and led to secondary appointments in both WGSS and American Studies. Before his untimely death, Sam had been working on a book that was to be titled Queer Natures; it remains unfinished, but Sam’s published articles, including some drawn from the book, can be found through the links on his faculty web page. We will remember him as a brilliant and promising scholar, a gifted and beloved teacher, a generous colleague, and a friend. Students, colleagues, and friends of Sam’s are invited to submit tributes, anecdotes, or other statements in his honor for posting on a Wordpress blog; email can be addressed to english@yale.edu.