The date has been changed to Monday, April 23 at 4:00, LC 317. English Department Lecture Series and Shakespeare at Yale present: Marjorie Garber is the William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of English and Visual and Environmental Studies at Harvard University. She has served as Director of the Humanities Center at Harvard, Chair of the department of Visual and Environmental Studies, Chair of Dramatic Arts, and Director of the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts. She has published sixteen books on topics from literary and cultural theory to the arts and intellectual life (including six books on Shakespeare) and has edited seven collections of essays. “Shakespeare After All” (Pantheon, 2004) received the 2005 Christian Gauss Book Award from the Phi Beta Kappa Society. Her most recent book is “The Use and Abuse of Literature” (Pantheon, 2011).
This event is part of Shakespeare at Yale, a semester of special events celebrating the Bard.