A symposium commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of Geoffrey Hartman’s Wordsworth’s Poetry: 1787-1814.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
The Whitney Humanities Center, Yale University
53 Wall St, New Haven
9:45 Welcoming Remarks
10:00 Marc Redfield, Brown University: “Geoffrey Hartman and the Shock of Imagination”
11:00 Joshua Wilner, City College and The Graduate Center, The City University of New York: “Pitching Apocalypse”
12:00 Anne-Lise François, University of California, Berkleley: “’A little while’ more: Further Thoughts on Hartman’s Nature as Paraclete”
12:30 Buffet lunch
1:30 Andrzej Warminski, University of California, Irvine: “As It Were Face to Face: Imagination in Hartman’s Wordsworth and Wordsworth’s Hartman”
2:30 Kir Kuiken, University at Albany, State University of New York: “Omphalos”
3:30 Coffee break
4:00 Paul Fry, Yale University: “Hartman’s Westering and Hartman’s Wordsworth”
5:00 A Conversation with Geoffrey Hartman about Wordsworth’s Poetry (video recording)
5:30 – 6: 00 Roundtable
The organizers are pleased to acknowledge the support of:
The Whitney Humanities Center
The Yale Department of English
The Yale Department of Comparative Literature
The City University of New York
Essays in Romanticism and the International Conference on Romanticism