Undergraduate Prize Winners 2015-2016

HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS to the English Department Prize winners for 2015-2016!

Drama Prize

Dave Harris ‘16 - The Marina Keegan Award for Excellence in Playwriting 

Fiction Prizes

Sylvia McNamara ‘16 - Elmore A. Willetts Prize for Fiction for “Beyond the Hills”

Grace Ng ‘16 - Elmore A. Willetts Prize for Fiction for “Migrant”

Elizabeth O’Toole ‘19 - J. Edward Meeker Freshman English Prize for “Notes”

Oliver Preston ‘16 - Elmore A. Willetts Prize for Fiction for “Toward an Essay on That One Time in Ireland”

Oriana Tang ‘19 - Winston T. Townsend Prize for “Conscious Choking”

Nonfiction Prizes

Sylvia McNamara ‘16 - Elmore A. Willetts Prize for Fiction for “Beyond the Hills”

Grace Ng ‘16 - Elmore A. Willetts Prize for Fiction for “Migrant”

Elizabeth O’Toole ‘19 - J. Edward Meeker Freshman English Prize for “Notes”

Oliver Preston ‘16 - Elmore A. Willetts Prize for Fiction for “Toward an Essay on That One Time in Ireland”

Oriana Tang ‘19 - Winston T. Townsend Prize for “Conscious Choking”

Poetry Prizes

Magdalen Andrews-Hoke ‘19 - J. Edward Meeker Prize for First Year Poetry

Katherine Garris ‘16 - Albert Stanborough Cook Prize for ”The Atlantic Crossing” and other poems

Kathryn Kaelin ‘16 - Academy of American Poets for “Synapses” and other poems and Gordon Barber Memorial Prize for ”Synapses” and other poems

Hayley Kolding ‘16 - Albert Stanburrough Cook Prize for ”July in Provence” and other poems

Oriana Tang ‘19 -  J. Edward Meeker Prize for First Year Poetry

Tianru Wang ‘19 - J. Edward Meeker Prize for First Year Poetry

First Year Prizes

Ludivine Brunissen ‘19 - Winston T. Townsend Prize “for Excellence in English composition” for ‘ “Shock and Redemption in Baudelaire’s Flowers of Evil”

Emma Chanen ‘19 - McLaughlin Memorial Prize for Excellence in English Composition for “This Side of Something That’s Not Quite Paradise”

Ahmed Elbenni ‘19 - J. Edward Meeker First Year English Prize for “The Shady Narrator” 

Emily Ge ‘19 - McLaughlin Memorial Prize for Excellence in English composition for “Roots”

Ellen Kan ‘19 - McLaughlin Memorial Prize for Excellence in English composition for “Full Contact” 

Rachel Kaufman ‘19 - Winston T. Townsend Prize “for Excellence in English composition” for “Silence or Sound as Recompense”

Yi Qing Liu ‘19 - J. Edward Meeker FIrst Year English Prize for “Mephistopheles in Goethe’s Faust Part One:  A Godly Devil?”

Henry Reichard ‘19 - J. Edward Meeker First Year English Prize for “Judging the Dead: Homer’s and Virgil’s Opposing Visions of the Afterlife” and McLaughlin Memorial Prize for Excellence in English composition for “If Mathematics Could Be Painted” and ”To Waste a Life”

Haewon Ma ‘19 - Winston T. Townsend Prize “for Excellence in English composition” for “Mi Casa es tu casa: Kinalty Castle and the Appropriation of Space and Status”

Deborah Monti ‘19 - Bloch Prize “for the best essay in English” for “Hit Record: Preventing Discrimination and Police Brutality”

Jacob Stern ‘19 - J. Edward Meeker First Year English Prize for “You Are Not the ‘You’: Divided Selfhood in Claudia Rankine’s Citizen

Oriana Tang ‘19 -  J. Edward Meeker First Year English Prize for ”Skepticism and Authority in Cervantes’ Don Quixote”

Jackson Willis ‘19 - J. Edward Meeker First Year English Prize for “A Fatherly Twist and Earthly Turn”

Evaline Xie ‘19 - Bloch Prize “for the best essay in English” for “Transmedia Autobiography”

Sophomore Prizes

Jun Yan Chua ‘18 - John Hubbard Curtis for “love of the English language and facility in writing” for “’Between Vision and Reception’: Gray’s Elegy and the Making of Educational Modernity”

Erika Lynn-Green ‘18 - John Hubbard Curtis for “love of the English language and facility in writing” for “’My Greatest Partner of Greatness: Trajectories of Madness in Othello and Macbeth

Thomas Cusano ‘18 - C. Wyllis Betts Prize for “Corruption in the Skin: Fractured Language and the Quest for Wholeness in Donne’s Sermons and Poetry”

American Literature Prizes for Juniors and Seniors

Max Norman ‘18 - Richard Schoenberg Prize for “Re-vision, Recognition, and Melodrama in Henry James’s The Portrait of a Lady and The Golden Bowl”

Julia Schwarz ‘16 - Henry H. Strong Prize in American Literature for “Whitman’s Sacred Verse:  Reading His Civil War Poetry in Comparison to His War Journalism”

Junior Prizes

Eve Houghton ‘17 - John Hubbard Curtis Prize for ”love of the English language and facility in writing” for “How Mary Hillhouse read her Gray”

Hayley Kolding ‘17 - John Hubbard Curtis Prize for ”love of the English language and facility in writing” for “Fraught Wonder: Reactions to the Rise of Science in ‘The Sensitive Plant’”

Adam Mahler ‘17 - John Hubbard Curtis Prize for ”love of the English language and facility in writing” for “Ralph Ellison and the Two Brazils”

Senior Prizes

Daniel Ian Rubins ‘16 - Chauncey Brewster Tinker Prize for the outstanding senior in English, Ralph Paine Memorial Prize for the best senior essay in English for “Under A Rhyming Planet”:  Reading Shakespeare’s Plays for Rhyme, and Sholom & Marcia Herson Scholarship Prize “for students in the Senior Class … who shall have done outstanding work in English Language and Literature and who intend to do graduate work”

James Henry Orbison ‘16Lloyd Mifflin Prize for an outstanding senior essay in English for “Across the Killing Field” Race and the Aesthetics of Offense in the Poetry of Frederick Seidel”

Cristabelle Ormiston ‘16John Hubbard Curtis Prize for excellence in English courses and in a senior essay  for “Of Houyhnhnms and Women:  The Problem of Sexual Desire in the Utopia”

Douglas Plume ‘16John Hubbard Curtis Prize for excellence in English courses and in a senior essay  for “By Different Means We Arrive at the Same Ends: Parallelism and Inversion in the Structure of Julius Caesar and MacBeth”

Oliver Preston ‘16John Hubbard Curtis Prize for excellence in English courses and in a senior essay for “The Villa, the Pagoda, the Notebook”

Eve Roth ‘16John Hubbard Curtis Prize for excellence in English courses and in a senior essay  for “The Choicest Gift of Heaven”: Elasticity of Mind in Persuasion and House of Mirth”

Julia Rothchild ‘16John Hubbard Curtis Prize for excellence in English courses and in a senior essay for “’A Great Deal of Unmapped Country Within Us’: Consciousness and the Environment in George Eliot’s Novels”

Connie Sheung Shing Cheung ‘16John Hubbard Curtis Prize for excellence in English courses and in a senior essay  for “Experiencing Liminality: Jamesian Protagonists in France”