
September 20, 2022
In African Ecomedia, Cajetan Iheka examines the ecological footprint of media in Africa alongside the representation of environmental issues in visual culture. Iheka shows...
September 19, 2022
Drawing from her own experiences of living with an invisible, chronic illness and accompanied by interviews with scientists, doctors, and patients alike, Meghan O’Rourke ...
September 8, 2022
New Climate Fiction Offers Visions for Environmental Justice Three novels — “Venomous Lumpsucker,” “Denial” and “40” — consider a grim future and those responsible for it....
August 30, 2022
On April 10 a Russian-launched cluster bomb exploded on a residential street in the Pysochin suburb of Kharkiv. Viktor Andriiovych, a sixty-six-year-old retired firefighter,...
Meredith McGill and Jackie Goldsby
August 23, 2022
Yale’s Jacqueline Goldsby and Meredith McGill of Rutgers University recently received a $1.7 million grant from The Mellon Foundation to support the development of The Black...
African Ecomedia
August 19, 2022
Judges commented: Cajetan Iheka’s African Ecomedia: Network Forms, Planetary Politics foregrounds Africa’s media objects, including “oil, uranium, coltan, and banana,” as the...
August 18, 2022
In African Ecomedia, Cajetan Iheka examines the ecological footprint of media in Africa alongside the representation of environmental issues in visual culture. Iheka shows...