
September 15, 2011
Richard Deming teaches courses in writing and American literature for the department, is the author of a prize-winning book of poems, Let’s Not Call it Consequence, and...
September 2, 2011
Opening event “Sin & the City-William Hogarth’s London” will include Professor Claude Rawson. For more information about the event please visit:
September 1, 2011
Dean Irvine is the Canadian Studies Bicentennial Visiting professor for 2011-12. He comes from Dalhousie University, where he teaches modernist, leftist, and Canadian...
August 29, 2011
Visiting Professor Joe Cleary comes to us from NUI Maynooth in Ireland and will be at Yale for the next three fall semesters.  He was educated in NUI Maynooth and in Columbia...
August 28, 2011
The Departments of English and African American Studies welcome Professor Jacqueline Goldsby.  Professor Goldsby’s research and teaching focus on African American and...
July 1, 2011
Shakespeare at Yale is a multi-venued celebration for the spring of 2012 that will display the extraordinary resources that exist at the University for the study and...
May 27, 2011
Click here to view Commencement 2011 photos