Sophia Veltfort

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Associate Research Scholar & Lecturer in English

Sophia Veltfort is a fiction writer, essayist, and scholar. Her fiction has appeared in Prairie Schooner, Writer’s Digest online (first place, Annual Writing Competition), the Santa Monica Review, Narrative online (30 Below Contest finalist), the Chicago Tribune online (Nelson Algren finalist), Alaska Quarterly Review, and elsewhere. Her nonfiction has appeared in Harvard Review and been selected as a Notable Essay in the Best American Essays. She holds degrees from Yale (BA in English, Writing Concentration, 2012), Oxford (MSt in English, 1900-Present; Marshall Scholar 2012-2013), the University of East Anglia (MA Creative Writing Prose Fiction; Marshall Scholar 2013-2014), and Cornell (Joint MFA in Fiction, 2020 / PhD in English Language and Literature, expected 2024). Before returning to teach at Yale, she was an Assistant Professor of Practice in the Arts at the University of Chicago in 2022-2024.