Kim Shirkhani

Kim Shirkhani's picture
Lecturer in English, Course Director 120

Ph.D., English, University of Virginia
M.A., English, McGill University
B.A., English, University of California at Los Angeles

Course Director ENGL 120 

Winner of the 2021 Fred Strebeigh and Linda Peterson Prize for Excellence in Teaching by Instructional Faculty

Selected Publications

“There Are Words: Conveying Magnitude in Contemporary Writing,” Literary Imagination (Forthcoming)

- “Small Language and Big Men in Virginia Woolf,” Studies in the Novel. 43.1 (Spring 2011)

- “The Economy of Recognition in Howards End,” Twentieth-Century Literature 54.2 (2008)


Non-fiction prose; cultural history; etymology; creative writing; modern British literature; theories of class and identity; the novel 


Undergraduate: ENG 120: Reading and Writing the Modern Essay; ENG 421: Cultural Critique/Style as Argument; ENGL 450: Daily Themes 

updated August 2024