
September 15, 2015
  It wouldn’t take the sleuthing skills of world-famous detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple to solve the mystery of why their creator Agatha Christie is still so...
September 1, 2015
By Bess Connolly Martell   Susan Choi ’90 may be the author of four critically-acclaimed novels, the recipient of a Guggenheim Foundation fellowship, and a finalist for a...
August 21, 2015
Mighty Casey gets his happy ending Not 20 years after Casey’s infamous strikeout at home plate, sportswriter Grantland Rice attempted to redeem the humbled batter. In 1906 he...
July 10, 2015
Linda H. Peterson, born on October 11, 1948, died peacefully June 25, 2015, on the campus of Yale University, where she was a professor and former chair in the Department of...
June 9, 2015
For more than seven decades The English Institute has been a major resource for developments in criticism, theory, and scholarship, while honoring traditional fields of...
student awards wreath
June 4, 2015
The English Department is pleased to announce the graduate student award winners of 2014-2015! Prize Teaching Fellowship: Anya Adair Beinecke Pre-Dissertation Fellowship:...
June 3, 2015
The English Department is delighted to report that Anthony Reed’s book, Freedom Time, has been selected for Yale’s Samuel and Ronnie Heyman Prize, founded to...