Celine Hajj Sleiman celine.hajjsleiman@yale.edu |
1st Year |
Early Modern/ Renaissance Literature; Milton studies; lyric; reception histories
Archie Hamerton archie.hamerton@yale.edu |
1st Year |
Queer materiality; Thing theory; The Fin de Siecle; Object relations; The city and the flaneur; Collecting; Sexuality and sexology; Cinema and visual modernisms
Gabrielle Hill gabrielle.hill@yale.edu |
2nd Year |
Black Feminist Theory; 19th Century to 21st Century African American Poetry; Speculative Fiction; Eco-Criticism; Eco-Poetics
Audrey Holt audrey.holt@yale.edu |
7th Year |
Irish Literature, Literary Modernism, Linguistics
Eve Houghton eve.houghton@yale.edu |
Early modern drama; Restoration drama; 18th-century literature; history of the book; affect theory; long history of the novel
Caitlin Hubbard caitlin.hubbard@yale.edu |
5th Year |
Early Modern Literature; Restoration/18th-century Drama; Theater and Performance Studies; Shakespeare Adaptation and Performance History; Enlightenment Theories of Knowledge Formation; Spectacle in Theater and Politics