Talin Tahajian talin.tahajian@yale.edu |
3rd Year |
Late medieval devotional poetry in English and Latin; manuscript studies; historical prosody/metrics; philosophy of language; philology/theology; ‘long’ Anthropocene studies
Asya Taylor asya.taylor@yale.edu |
1st Year |
20th/21st century African American and American literature; Black aesthetics; print culture; modernism; feminism
Madeleine Trepanier madeleine.trepanier@yale.edu |
1st Year |
Early modern literature; Reformation studies; theater and performance; visual culture; gender and sexuality; poetics
Imani Tucker imani.tucker@yale.edu |
5th Year |
19th century British literature; contagious disease; the Black Atlantic; gender & sexuality
Trinity Tunstall trinity.tunstall@yale.edu |
1st Year |
Gender and Sexuality, Black Feminism, Archive, Criticism & Theory